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China’s core wine drinkers prove to be resilient

  As we embarked on our update of the Wine Intelligence segmentation model for Chinese wine drinkers, known as China Portraits, we theorised that we would see some dramatic changes since we last refreshed the model in 2019. The Chinese…

Five considerations for investing in the no-alcohol and lower alcohol wine sectors in 2022

For brand managers and innovation leaders in the wine category who like a challenge, the no-alcohol and lower alcohol wine sectors represent, respectively, the Everest and K2 of the industry. Nothing is more exciting – and frustrating –…

Danish wine consumers have become increasingly more price-conscious

Since our previous Denmark Landscapes report in 2019, the Danish wine market has lost an estimated 17% of its monthly wine drinkers even though the adult population of the country has increased during this time. This could be the effect of…

Understanding the Portuguese Wine Consumer

  Wine in the Portuguese market was a success story pre-pandemic, but has suffered from closure of the on-trade and lack of tourism during Covid. Wine is expected to recover strongly over the next five years. In the post-Covid world,…

When will sustainability matter to wine consumers?

  The concept of sustainability – in all its forms and definitions – has become a powerful driver of consumer sentiment in recent years. Brands from categories as diverse as airlines and accountancy firms have rushed to burnish their…

Older, more affluent consumers drive the US wine market

  Although the wine category in the US holds an 11% volume share – equal to that of spirits – the category’s future is facing a number of challenges. Wine volumes in the US are expected to continue on a downward trajectory, especially…

Interest in exclusive-label wines drives competition in the Portuguese wine market

  Wine in the Portuguese market was a success story pre-pandemic, but has suffered from closure of the on-trade and lack of tourism during Covid. Wine is expected to recover strongly over the next five years. In the post-Covid world,…

Wine businesses must focus on the ‘100-year life’ to drive mid- and long-term success

A lot of recent media attention has focused on the demographic crisis looming in the wine category. And for good reason: the numbers are scary. In late 2020, Wine Intelligence, a division of IWSR Group, undertook an analysis of its long-run…

What will happen to Australia’s new Millennial wine drinkers in 2022?

  Over the past 2 years, countries around the world have had a similar problem – the Covid-19 pandemic – but have dealt with it in a variety of ways. While some markets have adopted a much less stringent approach to controlling the…

Japanese drinkers prioritise treating themselves to better quality wines now vs pre-pandemic  

With one of the longest life expectancies in the world, and one of the lowest birth-rates, Japan holds the title of the “oldest” country on the planet. According to the Statistics Bureau of Japan, nearly three in 10 are now over 65 years…

Why has our relationship with wine changed in the Covid era?

  Like it or not, citizens of the world are participating in a giant, unprecedented, ‘natural experiment’ – the Covid pandemic. Enforced changes in our everyday behaviour have had multiple impacts across markets and categories. Some…

Brazil’s monthly wine drinking population doubles since 2010

  If 2020 was a good year for wine in Brazil, 2021 has been spectacular in terms of a rapidly increasing monthly wine drinking population. There are now over twice as many wine drinkers in Brazil as there were in 2010, with an overall…