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The consumer drivers shaping the UK wine market in 2022

A year after the UK started recovering from the first Covid-19 wave, what has changed? In some respects, not much. Wine category consumer attitudes, knowledge, confidence and relationships with wine brands are fairly consistent with last year’s…


  The festive season comes with many traditions, one of which is the Wine Intelligence annual predictions for the wine industry in the coming year. Our predictions in December 2020 could be judged as reasonably insightful without being…

Global wine industry predictions for 2021 – how did we do?

Our annual exercise in soothsaying 12 months ago predicted investment and upheaval in e-commerce, more wine in cans, plus growth in the ‘wine seltzer’ category. So what did 2021 bring? After the rollercoaster of 2020, our main prediction…

The Covid accelerated shift to local wine is set to continue

  A consistent theme of consumer marketing manuals is the exhortation to remain ‘close’ to your customers. The meaning of this closeness has evolved over recent decades in developed world fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) markets.…

The great ‘natural experiment’: How has consumer behaviour with wine changed during 2020 and 2021

  The 2021 Nobel prize in the field of economics was awarded to three academics (Card, Angrist and Imbens) who have provided us with new insights about both labour and education and shown how to use natural experiments to better understand…

Female premium wine drinkers drive growth in the US wine market

  The growth of wine volume in the US wine market in 2020 and 2021 – by approximately +1% each year – has largely been driven by an increase in the volume of premium wine consumed, according to IWSR data. However, the population of…

Poland’s wine market has demographics on its side

Until relatively recently, Poland’s wine market was a marginal player amid the large consumption markets in Europe. During the Cold War, it was rare to see wine in bars and on dinner tables – vodka and beer were the alcohols of choice.…

What are the opportunities for the no/low-alcohol wine category?

Consumer interest in more moderate drinking has been steadily increasing over the past decade, creating a potential long-term market opportunity for low-alcohol and no-alcohol wines. However thus far, wine with less alcohol in it, and for that…

Canada’s buoyant wine market masks a trend of younger adults leaving the wine category

Canada’s wine market has been in growth during the Covid era. Still wine volumes grew overall by 5% in 2020 compared with 2019, and sparkling wine by 4% over the same period, according to IWSR data. There are plenty of broader contextual…

New behaviours driving wine market opportunities in the UK

Following a long-term decline, wine consumption volume in the UK was boosted by the pandemic, with wine increasing enjoyed at at-home, particularly during non-food occasions. Although wine will adjust downwards in the short term, the longer-term…

How does wine consumer behaviour in Hong Kong differ from that in China?

One of the fundamental truths about wine consumer behaviour is that, in general, the characteristics of a given geographical market reflect the unique combination of cultural, political, economic, and social factors that have been at work for…

Why is the South Korean wine market becoming more attractive to wine businesses?  

  For the second year in a row, South Korea is the second most attractive wine market globally, according to the Wine Intelligence Wine Market Attractiveness Compass Model 2021. While a number of consumer, demographic, economic…